Is there a good process to cleaning you fresh water tank. I fill tank and flush tank but is there something that cleans 100% or what's the process. I don't use if for drinking water but what if I wanted to. How do you get that 100% sasisfaction?
I just bought a 2018 cruise lite fsx 200rk anybody know of any known issues to look out for? We plan to do a lot of boondocking so we’ll be traveling with a full fresh water tank. I’ve read a lot of horror stories about the tanks falling out so I’m looking to add some kind of piece of mind to my...
Hi all.
New to the forum, just having recently ordered a 2205s. I have been reading the many threads regarding the recommendations to add additional support struts to the fresh water holding tank, and was of course planning to do the same once I take possession of my new trailer. I decided to...
Hi All –
I have a leak or two, and I need some info and ideas about how to go about fixing it.
I’ve got these leak sensors all over the rig (and they do work). They’ve notified me of a few different leaks...
When boondocking, my biggest annoyance is the water pump constantly cycling. While washing hands or dishes with the valves half-open, it cycles every 3-4 seconds, causing the lights to flicker from the in-rush current draw.
I know its supposed to have a bypass, and I could go chase that down...
We've purchased a barely-used 2021 ISATA-3 and somehow missed the step on exactly how to fill the fresh water tank. I have a hose fitting attachment on the side of the RV labeled "City Water". I have a fresh-water Anderson-type water valve station in one of the compartments. I have not...
For the 1st time in about 3 years of using my East-West Silverlake TT, I have encoutered a problem with my fresh water tank. Since night-time temps are low (20-degrees) now, I filled the fresh water tank about half full even though I am connected to city water. I did this assuming that the...
Hi, in the process of winterizing my Solera 27DSE. Went to drain the fresh water tank and ran into a problem. There is a plug in the middle of the fresh water tank. Attempted to pull it out, no luck. Took a vise grip to it to see if I could move or twist it, no luck. In fact it started to...
I searched the site and could not find my system. I am sure it is in there, so sorry.
I have a 2019 Dynamax DX3 37ts and want to fill my fresh water tank. I am hooked up to city water during the day but fear I will freeze the line at night. I see there are two valves in the bay. Both have a...
I have read a lot of threads on this issue. My underbelly was popped out. Pulled it. Water tank sagging. Zero metal supports across it. Only a thin fabric piece of tape that snapped, obviously.
If I do the home depot super strut fix,
How do I put the underbelly panel back on? It...
Hello I'm a new owner of a shasta phoenix-x 393mbx. Yesterday morning 11/27/23 I filled my fresh water tank for the first time. Everything was great, I filled the fresh tank full. I put around 10 gls into the black tank. Me and the wife took a shower and normal bathroom usage. This morning...
I noticed a drip from one of the small hoses under the fresh tank. There are 3 hoses from the top of the tank,one large and 2 small hoses. One of them is dripping under the coach. This in turn is emptying the fresh tank.
Can anyone tell me what the 2 smaller white hoses do? The water in and out...
We have an R-Pod 192 (2 years old), and sometimes when we are hooked up to the city water at a campground, the fresh water tank also fills. I didn't think that was supposed to happen. One time, we were hooked up to the city water connection, and one of us took a shower; when we came out of the...
Greetings all,
This is my first post. My girlfriend and I have been living full time in our 2019 Rockwood Ultra Lite 2304DS since June. We've been on city water the whole time but didn't realize until very recently that the water pump doesn't need to be on while connected to city water. We...
Newbie question ....
Just winterized the motorhome and was looking for the fresh water tank fill cap, can't find it! Is there one? If there isn't how am i to add the bleach to sanitze in the spring ?
On my Forester MH (Model 2801) it has the standard fresh water fill nozzle that you have to use some type of screw-on adapter on your hose to get the tubing far enough into the fill valve so you don't end up taking a shower during your fill.
We have used this standard adapter (photo shown)...
Have been looking around on this site and has lots of great information.
We winterized out Catalina Trailer and all was good and has been for the last few years
We just recently bought a 2005 Georgetown 370XL and trying to figure out how to drain the fresh water tank completely and not sure...
2021 Isata 5 30FW.
We need some help understanding how the freshwater tank could be filling while on city water without turning the freshwater fill valve on.
This morning I noticed water coming out of an overflow hose in the wet bay. Our grey water tank needed to be emptied, and my first...
I have a 2011 model 2604 Rockwood ultra lite. I can't locate the fresh water drain. I fould the two low water drains for hot and cold. I need to winterize this puppy before we go back to Florida. The manuals are useless. It also has the cover on the bottom for cold climates. Any help would be...
We have a FR Rockwood 2706WS 2020.
On our last recent trip I noticed that the freshwater tank was overflowing.
I don’t know how the tank is filling up. Normally the only way to load water was manually with the hose and treat it with bleach. I never travel with any more than 10 gallons in the tank.
I noticed there is 0-3” clearance between the fresh water tank and the front axle. This seems like a bad design. I know flipping the axles will fix it, but is t necessary? Is there another option to raise the trailer without flipping the axles?
I just bought a whole house filter for our camper. This one:
If I connect this and the water goes into the tank, is it good to drink? Is the tank clean from the factory, or do I need to sterilize it or something...