Senior Member
Generator arived at my warehouse and I picked it up with my roll-off and then stopped at Johns Spring Service....they will do the back axels changes/frame for me for $700 that is one thing I won't have to wait on....tire question 22.5 vs 24.5 done and DOT certification they will take care of also-I am going with a 22.5-cuz of the frame hight....John just spent $80,000 of his RV hauler a IH 4700 with custom chrome goodies/ lo-pro and air chairs....boy did he get bent over! .....HA! he deserves it for all the times he raped me on truck repairs...... I think I put his son through undergraduate school.....He's worked all his life on over-the-road trucks and never though of using a class 8 with your modifications.....Larry do you know of any Volvo tractors with a Detroit locker in the rear axel? As the power divider front driving axel can not be made to increase traction-it will burn out the electric divider.....enough for one day....keep lookin for a White one!...geof