Just a quick check in, just moved the Rig up from Myrtle Beach to Connecticut, took I 95 the whole way, that road is a mess. We maintained about 70 mph the whole time, smooth as silk, I love driving my truck..Always on the look out for other conversions, heading southbound I saw 2 T/C's.....traveling together, both white, one looked like a stacker, I hit them with Air Horns, don't know why, but it's always exciting to see another conversion on the road. One more thing, after pulling into our new seasonal site I began to smell something funny, almost like the old Catylitic smell, rotten eggs, after a few minutes of that we began to smell burning rubber or something, the smell lasted for several hrs, no smoke, just smell. I started her up, idled for awhile, all gauges checked out, crawled all over the engine and underside, Nothing, no burned wires, nothing to be seen....Of coarse this has me a bit concerned, I will continue to look and hunt, I will be on the road again in a month or so for a short road trip, I sure would like to find the problem before that.....Happy Camping, Gene...