Big Mike, I hadn't thought about the salvage thing. Thanks for idea. I am supposed to get pricing for two of the units today (new).
Radman, the local suspension shop described the two units as such:
1) hybrid air ride conversion = cheaper, uses stock springs and replaces rear shackles with air bags. much less labor equals cheaper. He says the ride will be comparable to a pickup truck.
2)Full air bag conversion = more money, replaces rear suspension completely. Much more labor intensive and even fabrication. He says the setup is key, and if set up correctly, it will ride like a car. This choice also equalizes front/back and left/right.
The problem with my truck is that the load is not enough to depress the leaf springs in the rear. I had it loaded down once before conversion, and it rode fine. I wondered about removing a leaf or two out of the springs to re-engage the rear suspension.
Keep 'em coming
Doc Weaver