Newbie here beginning an HDT Hauler project with a KW660. Anyone here with any direct experience with that vehicle? Want to single long with toy deck. Pulling Grande Designs 350M.
Hi Flinch, welcome to! I applaud your decision to use an HDT to haul your trailer. There is a Kenworth dealer near my house and I love those T660's. Have you looked around over at the Escapee's HDT forum: HDT - Escapees Discussion Forum
Lots of people over there doing what you're planning to do. Good luck. Keep us posted on your progress.
Yes - I have (as so many others do) been watching these threads for quite some time. Looked at a number of different trucks and have decided on this one. Getting ready to retire and put on some miles!
Just interested in connecting with anyone who might be able to save me some pain during the conversion.
If you are up near Grand Forks BC next spring, drop by and we can discuss. We went back to Elkhart 4 times before we pulled the triger on our TC. I say spring because we are leaving in a week for 5 months. Have a good winter.