PDoane welcome to the site!
I think the main thing that would concern me is the fact that it has sat for 5 years, although not a deal breaker.
I am sure that a brand new rig decked out like that today would easily be in the $90,000 range. It mentions air front and back and I am not sure if that is AC or suspension, but I would look into that. Air-ride front and back would make that ride real nice.
The other item that I would look into on this is the 10 speed. I know the autoshift was not around back then so it might be a upgrade done in the late 90's.
No truck is ever to old, you can easily update trucks, they are not like cars. I would have put my 95 FLD up against most any truck after I did all my upgrades to it. That truck has so little mileage on it, could be interesting. Definitely want to work that price down to maybe the mid 30's and you could have yourself a real nice rv puller as l;ong as everything checks out.
Alot of guys on here would steer you toward a Class 8 and convert it, and that maybe something to look at depending on what your pulling and where your pulling it.
Keep us posted.