Do any of you have an altimeter in your ride? If so, what kind is it? Happy with it?
Do any of you have an outside air temp gauge in your ride? If so what kind is it?
Do any of you have a compass in your ride? If so what kind is it?
Our coach converter installed a combo altimeter and outside air temp gauge, but the previous owner must have had it pulled out to create a cubby hole in the dash.
I can get altitude and compass heading from the Pioneer nav system, but I have to turn it on, and get to the page with the altitude and compass.
I want to install an altimeter (preferably one that gets its information from the GPS satellites, not a barometric or cell based one), OAT temp gauge, and compass (again one that gets it information from the GPS satellites vs a magnetic compass that shows magnetic north but not true north) all on the dash in front of me.
Do any of you have an outside air temp gauge in your ride? If so what kind is it?
Do any of you have a compass in your ride? If so what kind is it?
Our coach converter installed a combo altimeter and outside air temp gauge, but the previous owner must have had it pulled out to create a cubby hole in the dash.
I can get altitude and compass heading from the Pioneer nav system, but I have to turn it on, and get to the page with the altitude and compass.
I want to install an altimeter (preferably one that gets its information from the GPS satellites, not a barometric or cell based one), OAT temp gauge, and compass (again one that gets it information from the GPS satellites vs a magnetic compass that shows magnetic north but not true north) all on the dash in front of me.