Hi Marshall,
Glad to see other drag racers come onboard. If you have not done so, check out the "Commercial Legal Questions" post in this forum.
Since your toter is registered as an RV, you should not need a CDL and DOT Physcial nor have to complie with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations as long as you are not running a business. If you are deducting your racing expenses on your personal income taxes, then you are running a business in the eyes of the DOT. Also make sure the toter is registered in your own name, not Hancock Racing. The same goes for the trailer and the insurance on both.
As Kaye Rivercity indicated, take off all of the numbers. I would also recomend that you take Hancock Racing off of the doors also. It can be construed that you are holding yourself out as a business and/or doing business as ("d/b/a") "Hancock Racing" even if you don't have a businees license. I would also have "RV" or "Recreational Vehicle" and "Not For Hire" on the sides of both the toter and the trailer.
Finally, if you have not done so, download a copy of 49 CFR 309.3(f)(3) and its interpretation from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrations web cite and carry it in your toter's glovebox along with the RV registration.