....so wick....is there a break between the cab/sleeper and the Coach-or is that tied together? did they remove your cab air suspension? Is your decalrama a standard thing withShowhauler?Gladyourtanks are uncovered and have easy access from side of tractor....saw a trucfire on Sunday on good old I-75 and the FD was spraying the tanks from the back to reduce fire spread....wasn't too effective as you can imagine.....which Freightliner model cab did you use? Was it used or new?can't possibly tell from pix is looks so good! any inside pix? I want to see new colors I've heard about.....purple and dk gray?....or a medium gray and a dried blood red?... I have a designer from the DAAP program at University of Cincinnati working for me now.....here comes the color changes....I'll miss my ultra white and green-Oh well!....geofaye
women-food-money-naps...not necessarly in that order