dgorila....I have an opening in 2010 in the summer/late fall now...if you can wait-everything is custom and built by hand....sorry but at my age I have to pace myself and 4 a year is really too much[cutting down to 3]-I'm finding that re-doing houses is easier on me physically, at this point, but I still do a Trailer/MH/Toter if I get antsy and have to work to keep what is left of my sanity......RV stuff is a hobby now to take up the slack of me working at the Hospital/Teaching and running 4 business all the time[I'm fully retired 12/05/09-'course I have been retired since 1996-but that is another issue]...also I have 7 happy workers that have limited capability and it does require me to take more time with them[WOMEN!]....but they do the work right the first time as they have to eat the comebacks out of their own time...which they hate!.....we work 7 days a week X 5 hours a day and commiserate all the time....but in this market they truly appreciate having a job and making good money-without work from me they would be back on the street....geofkaye-The Rivercity Group