Originally posted by chuck:
There was a previous discussion of this on the HDT SKP site, started by me. I have a short (182 inch) wheel base volvo 610 and when bob tailed I can be bounced around by ruts. My alignment etc is by the best shop in the twin cities, where all the shops send their vehicles, so I am confident it is aligned. I run 110 lbs in front and 75 in the rear(s). With the fiver and some addtional weight the problem is minimized, so much so as to not be very noticeable at all.
I also have mud and snow tires on the rear which does excaberate (sp) the problem.
Others that posted mentioned that they too experience rut wander, so not sure if there is anything wrong with your truck. I think leaving as a dual would help to minimize the problem as well.
You are not unique if that helps