Senior Member
Thought this would be a good topic since there isn't tons of activity on here and this is the "General Discussion" area. My son is Army Reserve. He's an 88M, transportation. He did a year (a bit shy of that I guess) over there from roughly July '08- July '09. He drove trucks. He's a HETS driver. If you guys don't know what a HETS is you've got to google them and check them out. Talk about a truck. CGVWR is something like 240k. They weigh about 90k with nothing on them. They are a tractor/flatbed combo. The flatbed trailer is made to haul anything. They have 40 tires mounted in 5 rows of 8 tires. The wheels are mounted on bogies that swivel. They're all hydraulic and computer controlled. The trailer has it's own deisel motor to run the hydraulics. He was stationed at Q West. But they drove lots of missions all over Iraq. We had lots of chat contact with him on Skype but only text mostly since they were on a satelite shared amongst several of them and it wasn't fast enough for video or talk. He said it was a great experience and he's glad he enlisted. But he doesn't really want to go back there, hahahahaahah. He was very bummed that I bought my coach while he was over there so he had to wait awhile before he could drive it. Where are you stationed? What branch? What's your m.o.s? Anything we can do for you here let us know.