Thats the way to do it right there. I have those valves on everything I own except my Jeeps(they would get torn off if i did) . how much scratch did you save? I spend my DIY oil change savings on buying Synthetic oil for mine.
not sure i saved anything...the oil was 11 bucks a quart, plus the filter...
B-Line will do a full PM (oil, filter, fuel filters & chassis lube) for 229...but id have to drive 40 miles for that.
I wont run synthetic in our coach...if i were a long haul trucker, maybe, but i dont run synthetics in ANY of our vehicles (never have, never will) - not even my rather change the oil more often than RISK running sheered oil (and yes synthetics still sheer).
what i did save was my time/trouble/mileage of going somewhere and RISK having someone screw it up.
watch them if you do any off road driving. we had one on our wrecker. driver turned around on a two lane road. front end went in to tall weeds in ditch and flipped valve open. locked up engine. was able to break loose and put in rod and main bearings. ran engine a couple years now with no more problems.
ive got one on my f350 (diesel, 4x4) and ive never had the valve come open, even when i sunk the truck to the axle off road.
on my jeep wrangler i could still use one (but havent put one on it...YET)...ive got a 1/4 inch "skid row" skid pad on the JK/wrangler so it would be protected from getting hit by anything.
on the coach i added the lock/ way to even accidentally knock the valve open....the ring sits in the groove that the lock/valve handle travels in.
if you look at the 2nd picture youll see the clamp/ring in place.