What do you think is the materail used for the interior walls? Looks like aluminum to me. Isn't sound abrobing materials such as fabric or cloth prefered for motorhome's interior walls?
Does anyone know which company did the conversion on the T2000 in the picture? I remeber seeing their web site with construction photos but forgot to save the link. Thanks.
Thanks for the feebacks. I intend to do further investigation on the unit but I'm located approximately 500 miles north of Kentucy. I guess what I'm looking for are some general ideas about the re-sale value of units similar to this one. What would you guys pay if everything checks out ok and...
Hello everyone! I'm new to the community and shopping for a toterhome/trailer setup for the first time. Found this unit on ebay; http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=45711...TRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1 I need your inputs in determine it's value and what to watch out for when shopping for a...