Seems like for the most part MBC is right. Tracks from vehicle travel seem to be very transitory on the playa surface. Maybe only issue in these changing times is a fully flooded playa seems to be a rare occurrence as we see wet winters with lots of snow melt not so often these days. "My"...
May-2012's alleged Super Moon rising over the Sutton Mountain Wilderness Study Area. This lovely landscape is just east of the Painted Hills Nat. Monument. Telephoto shot was taken from a proposed wilderness area near the Big Muddy Ranch formerly Rajneeshpuram. (sp)
When I had this up on Facebook on Monday, it seems maybe a couple of people may have mis-interpted this as one hell-acious meteor shower. Really looking forward to trying this shot again with a little less steam coming off the pool.
Warner Valley lakes this past summer. Filled up again after many dry winters. The wet winter of 10/11 did the trick. Pano from my point/shoot on way down
the switchbacks.
Even though I was the second to arrive on New Year's Eve, I claimed the only semi-level spot. Helps to know the lay of the land and not be shy to drive around my friends rig and grab the good site while they wandered about aimlessly...
Far side of Alvord, accessed by road going towards Mickey Hot Springs. There is a northeast Playa entrance not far from here that I use in better weather.