I know, it's not a Forest River...
This is why I did not add it before...
2007-Eclipse-Attitude LT21 AK-21 foot
Exterior: White, 4,000 watt generator. 30 gal fuel station.
Interior: Happy Jack queen bunks
two couches that make beds
Renovations and Repairs: Repaired the roof and floor...
Ha Ha, That would be much easier! The Lady that owned this camper lost her husband on Christmas and then in the middle of summer the storm came, That is when she found out her husband canceled the insurance to pay for some medical bills! Total loss for her. It was very sad. That was a few years...
LOL, in one of the pictures, while I was taking the pictures the passenger side at the door ripped open. Not a good day for several campers... This guy did have full coverage and it's been replaced.
Hello annamarie, this is a friends camper, the tree fell and landed on the power distribution box, the meter is on one side. Good news is this camper did not have any damage from the tree, however the camper next door had a lot of damage, the tree broke the skylight and ripped off the roof vent...
The shier winds from a hurricane a few years back, four campers in total had damage. ( this one rolled, another rolled and landed on a popup and the last had a tree fall on it ) The wife and I was in ours and it was anchored but still raised off the jacks from the wind rocking it...