Added key rack, coat hooks, Mopeka LP level monitors, Bluetooth battery voltage monitor, gel memory foam mattress, spring bar storage tubes, locking LP tank mount.
2018-Flagstaff-Microlite 21DS-21
Exterior: Mopeka LP level monitors, Bluetooth battery voltage monitor, spring bar storage tubes, locking LP tank mount.
Interior: Added key rack, coat hooks, Mopeka LP level monitors, gel memory foam mattress.
Renovations and Repairs: Original radio set replaced under warranty, usb outlets failed after 2 weeks of use, replaced myself with Blue Sea unit.
Tow Vehicle: 2012 F-150 FX-4 w/Ecoboost
Favorite Camping Destinations: Seattle (daughter) and points in between, Coweta Oklahoma (son) and places in between. Wisconsin rural campgrounds.