2021-Freedom Express-252RBS-29' 7"
Exterior: Install of backup and rearview camera, suing original camera cover as the backer.
Aero-Flo roof vent cover as it is rated for high air flo for Heng Vortex II fan
Interior: Install of door grab bar, and lower screen guard to prevent pooches screen tears. Thin shade for entry door window.
Double towel bar / TP holder.
Removal of Thomas Payne recliners, and installed a Lazy Boy pull-out sleeper couch.
Customizations: Installed a double filtration system with padlock.
5x5 PVC fence post to store entire sewer hose with connection attached and store othe sewer accessories.
Renovations and Repairs: Installed a hard-wired Progressive EMS surge protector.
Tow Vehicle: 2015 GMC Sierra / added RAS and additonal leaf spring.
Blue OX Sway Pro WDH
Favorite Camping Destinations: Honey Suckle Meadows in Sieverville, TN.