This is the way the truck spare sits now. I originally made the bracket to attach to the bumper in the same way, but so the spare was horizontal under the trailer. It hung too low, and I almost scraped it on a speed bump in southern Missouri. It hung just a little too low. I made it mount vertically. I was also concerned that I might be applying too much torque to the bumper and might bend it. They are too thin to begin with, in my opinion.
Sorry about all the dust. I took a page from your book and had my original load range D trailer tires switched over to Gladiator 10 ply load range E tires, because I was afraid that 13,500 miles (some over gravel) was enough. I couldn’t believe how one trip out to the main road dusted up the rig. We sure need rain!
I put blocks under the truck spare to mount and unmount it because at 67 I’m past my ‘best before’ date and am a real sissy compared to the guy I was back in my 20’s.
I attach the spare with a 2 stainless ¾ nuts and bolts, so rust is not an issue. They are also hard enough so that it’s hard for me to damage them… something I’m really good at. I also lock the spares in place with a coded cable lock (you can get ‘em at WalMart).
My bracket is just a slightly heavier duty version than the stock trailer tire spare. Just 2” taller and 3” deeper and with heavier walled tubing. The U-bolts are just readi-rod with 9/16 self-locking bolts.
Just a copy-cat of the trailer mount only slightly bigger and heavier.