I have the same problem with the leaking. When I first bought the slx 18 bh in 2011 brand new, I read about the recall. Took it to the dealer and they put in a new pan and re-caulked around the windows. I was also told to tip it a little bit which I did. In 2012 it only dripped on the inside one time but this year it has started again. I have had it caulked again and still tilt it so it will drain out. This past weekend it was horrible. I was stuck at the campground with water dripping inside and dripping from the valance. I read this forum and saw this picture but can't see how this helps-- especially for me. Looks like from the outside the AC there is only one small drip hitting the outside window. The water has to be coming from somewhere. I have spent more money on trying to get this fixed. Have taken it to dealer three times and they say it's fixed. Jayco won't do anything else about it since the warranty is up. I can't wait to get rid of it but it doesn't help with the problem now. I can't enjoy my camping trips.
Water leaks can originate inside and out with these units. From my own experience, inside leaks can come from a improperly sealed pan, as well as AC unit casing drips which can get redirected by the power cord, etc outside of the drip pan. On the exterior, my window was not properly caulked (leaking across the top of the window on the inside, and normal AC drippings rained across the glass continuously. The drip rail you see in the picture keeps rain and drippings away from the top seal of the window. It seems my problems are fixed for now, but for the occasional drips in the night that runs down the power cord and drip out the front (inside).
Hi, I have a 2017 174bh and it is dripping down the window like crazy. I did not notice anything dripping inside but I am definitely concerned now. Exactly, what is that drip gutter called? A drip gutter? I will need to ask for it Where did you get it and if you did not mind me asking, how is it installed? Do you put something to seal it and screw it in or is it glued? Sorry just not to mechanical but willing to learn or ask someone to do it.