Image | Title | Text |
Smile |
:) :-) (: | |
Wink |
;) | |
Frown |
:( | |
Mad |
:mad: >:( :angry: | |
Confused |
:confused: | |
Cool |
:cool: 8-) B) | |
Stick Out Tongue |
:p :P :-p :-P | |
Big Grin |
:D | |
Eek! |
:eek: :o | |
Oops! |
:oops: :wacko: :blink: | |
Roll Eyes |
:rolleyes: | |
Er... what? |
o_O O_o o.O O.o | |
Cautious |
:cautious: <_< | |
Censored |
:censored: | |
Crying |
:cry: | |
Love |
:love: :wub: | |
Laugh |
:LOL: :lol: | |
Sick |
:sick: | |
Sleep |
:sleep: -_- | |
Sneaky |
:sneaky: :mellow: | |
Thumbs up |
(y) | |
Thumbs down |
(n) | |
Unsure |
:unsure: :huh: | |
Whistling |
:whistle: | |
Coffee |
:coffee: | |
Giggle |
:giggle: ^_^ | |
Alien |
:alien: | |
Devil |
:devilish: :devil: | |
Geek |
:geek: | |
Ninja |
:ninja: :ph34r: | |
Flags, Festivals and Fun | ||
Freak |
:freak: | |
lolhitsign |
:lolhitsign: | |
Newbie |
:newbie: | |
Lightbulb |
:lightbulb: | |
boring |
:boring: | |
hello |
:hello: | |
Party |
:Party: | |
ScratchHead |
:scratchhead: | |
:ROFL: | |
Definite Yup |
:nodding: | |
Woohoo |
::woohoo:: | |
Cussing |
:cussing: | |
Beerchug |
:Beerchug: | |
Computer Time |
:computer time: | |
SmileyLOL |
:lol2: | |
:USA: | |
Canada |
:Canada: | |
Flag |
:Flag: | |
Birthday |
:Birthday: | |
Elf |
:elf: | |
Pumpkins |
:Pumpkins: | |
Reindeer |
:Reindeer: | |
Rudolph |
:Rudolph: | |
Santa |
:Santa_Smilie: | |
St. Pattys Day |
:stpatty: | |
Turkey |
:turkey: | |
Uncle Sam |
:uncle_sam: | |
Valentines |
:valentines: | |
Witch |
:witch: | |
Informed |
:grad: | |
FRF - Smilies | ||
Roflblack |
:roflblack: | |
Crying |
:crying: | |
Trink39 |
:trink39: | |
Signhavefun |
:signhavefun: | |
Campfire |
:campfire: | |
Facepalm |
:facepalm: | |
Flowers |
:flowers: | |
Bang Head |
:banghead: | |
Old Man |
:oldman: | |
Anim Snoopy |
:anim_snoopy: | |
Nansplit |
:nansplit: | |
Thumbsup |
:thumbsup: | |
Signgoodluck |
:signgoodluck: | |
Cowboy |
:cowboy: | |
Sterb188 |
:sterb188: | |
Trink25 |
:trink25: | |
Respect |
:respect: | |
Feedback |
:feedback: | |
Please |
:please: | |
Trink36 |
:trink36: | |
Sterb191 |
:sterb191: | |
Hijacked |
:hijacked: | |
Canadian Flag Waving |
:canada-flag-waving: | |
US Flag Waving |
:us-flag-waving: | |
Hiker |
:hiker: | |
Biggringift |
:biggringift: | |
Comp03 |
:comp03: | |
Siterock |
:siterock: | |
Spankbottom |
:spankbottom: | |
Gathering |
:gathering: | |
HeadBangingonComputer |
:HeadBangingonComput | |
Ohcananda2 |
:ohcananda2: | |
Stars |
:stars: | |
Hide2 |
:hide2: | |
332 |
:332: | |
Whacky088 |
:whacky088: | |
HaHaHa |
:HaHaHa: | |
Bestwishessign |
:bestwishessign: | |
Badmood |
:badmood: | |
Camperfam |
:camperfam: | |
Blowup |
:blowup: | |
Iwo |
:iwo: | |
Fall |
:fall: | |
Anniversarysign |
:anniversarysign: | |
1106 |
:1106: | |
Allinarow |
:Allinarow: | |
Beatdeadhorse |
:beatdeadhorse: | |
Birthdaycakewithcandles |
:birthdaycakewithcan | |
Bday Large |
:bday_large: | |
Fam21 |
:fam21: | |
Yellow |
:yellow: | |
HappyBday |
:HappyBday: | |
Welcomesign |
:welcomesign: | |
Useless |
:useless: | |
Usofa |
:usofa: | |
MGRV - Animated | ||
Amen |
:amen: | |
Angel |
:angelgif: | |
Argue |
:argue: | |
Attention |
:attention: | |
Baby |
:baby: | |
Ballchain |
:ballchain: | |
Ban |
:ban: | |
Banplease |
:banplease: | |
Bathbaby |
:bathbaby: | |
Becky |
:becky: | |
Behindsofa |
:behindsofa: | |
Biggrin1 |
:biggrin1: | |
Blabla |
:blabla: | |
Blah |
:blah: | |
Boink |
:boink: | |
Bolt |
:bolt: | |
Boom |
:boom: | |
Bored |
:bored: | |
Bounce |
:bounce: | |
Bowl |
:bowl: | |
Boxing |
:boxinggif: | |
Brick |
:brick: | |
Brushteeth |
:brushteeth: | |
Bump |
:bump: | |
Bump2 |
:bump2: | |
Caked |
:caked: | |
Canada |
:canada: | |
Car |
:car: | |
Cell |
:cell: | |
Cheer2 |
:cheer2: | |
Clap2 |
:clap2: | |
Clock |
:clock: | |
Closed 2 |
:closed_2: | |
Confused |
:confusedgif: | |
Cool |
:coolgif: | |
Couch2 |
:couch2: | |
Crazy |
:crazy: | |
Croc |
:croc: | |
Crutch |
:crutch: | |
Cry |
:Cry: | |
Dance |
:dance: | |
Deadhorse |
:deadhorse: | |
Decision |
:decision: | |
Der |
:der: | |
Director |
:director: | |
Dizzy |
:dizzy: | |
Doh |
:doh: | |
Drama |
:drama: | |
Drum |
:drum: | |
Ear |
:ear: | |
Eek |
:eekgif: | |
Embarassed |
:embarassed: | |
Emptybath |
:emptybath: | |
Evil |
:evil: | |
Eyebrows |
:eyebrows: | |
Faint |
:faint: | |
Faint2 |
:faint2: | |
Fear |
:fear: | |
Fencing |
:fencing: | |
First |
:first: | |
Fish |
:fish: | |
Fish2 |
:fish2: | |
Flame |
:flame: | |
Flock |
:flock: | |
Flypig |
:flypig: | |
Focus |
:focus: | |
Frog |
:froggif: | |
Frown |
:frown: | |
Frusty |
:frusty: | |
Gossip |
:gossip: | |
Grouphug |
:grouphug: | |
Hail |
:hail: | |
Hand |
:hand: | |
Happy |
:happy: | |
Hat |
:hat: | |
Heh |
:heh: | |
Help |
:help: | |
High5 |
:high5: | |
Hippie |
:hippie: | |
Horn |
:horn: | |
Hug |
:hug: | |
Humble |
:humble: | |
Hungry |
:hungry: | |
Hurt |
:hurtgif: | |
Israel |
:israel: | |
Jaw |
:jaw: | |
Juggle |
:juggle: | |
Kev |
:kev: | |
Kiss |
:kiss: | |
Lalala |
:lalala: | |
Laser |
:laser: | |
Laugh |
:laugh: | |
Lever |
:lever: | |
Lie |
:lie: | |
Llama |
:llama: | |
Lock1 |
:lock1: | |
Loco |
:loco: | |
Mad2 |
:mad2: | |
Madgrin |
:madgrin: | |
Mmph |
:mmph: | |
Mod |
:mod: | |
Moony |
:moony: | |
Mullet |
:mullet: | |
Music |
:music: | |
Nerd |
:nerd: | |
Nod |
:nod: | |
Noidea |
:noidea: | |
Nono |
:nono: | |
Ohwell |
:ohwell: | |
Painkiller |
:painkiller: | |
Panda |
:pandagif: | |
Party |
:party: | |
Peace |
:peace: | |
Peep |
:peep: | |
Phone |
:phone: | |
Photo |
:photo: | |
Pizza |
:pizza: | |
Plane |
:plane: | |
Playball |
:playball: | |
Pop2 |
:pop2: | |
Popcorn |
:popcorn: | |
Pound |
:pound: | |
Pout |
:pout: | |
Pray |
:pray: | |
Pray2 |
:pray2: | |
Preggers |
:preggers: | |
Puke |
:puke: | |
Rain |
:rain: | |
Ranger |
:ranger: | |
Rant |
:rant: | |
Rapture |
:rapturegif: | |
Redface |
:redface: | |
Rip |
:rip: | |
Rockon |
:rockon: | |
Rofl |
:rofl: | |
Roll |
:roll: | |
Rolleyes |
:rolleyesgif: | |
Sad |
:sad: | |
Scared |
:scared: | |
Second |
:second: | |
Shocked |
:shocked: | |
Sing |
:sing: | |
Smash |
:smash: | |
Smile |
:smile: | |
Smokin |
:smokin: | |
Smow |
:smow: | |
Sorry |
:sorry: | |
Spider |
:spider: | |
Spit |
:spit: | |
Spy |
:spy: | |
Suspicious |
:suspicious: | |
Tape |
:tape: | |
Tape2 |
:tape2: | |
Target |
:target: | |
Tea |
:tea: | |
Third |
:third: | |
Thumb |
:thumb: | |
Tinfoil3 |
:tinfoil3: | |
Tongue |
:tongue: | |
Tongue1 |
:tongue1: | |
Tsk |
:tsk: | |
Twitch |
:twitch: | |
Typing |
:typing: | |
Usa |
:usa: | |
Usa2 |
:usa2: | |
MGRV - Misc | ||
02.47 Tranquillity |
:02.47-tranquillity: | |
05.18 Flustered |
:05.18-flustered: | |
Abnormal |
:abnormal: | |
Acne |
:acne: | |
Adjoint |
:adjoint: | |
Adoration |
:adoration: | |
Afro |
:afro: | |
Ambivalence |
:ambivalence: | |
Angel |
:angel: | |
Anonymous |
:anonymous: | |
Apathy |
:apathy: | |
Apologetic |
:apologetic: | |
Applause |
:applause: | |
Apple |
:apple: | |
Applouse |
:applouse: | |
Apthy |
:apthy: | |
Barbershop Quartet Member |
:barbershop_quartet_ | |
Beaten |
:beaten: | |
Bee |
:bee: | |
Beguiled |
:beguiled: | |
Bi Polo |
:bi_polo: | |
Biggrin New |
:biggrin-new: | |
Black Eyed |
:black_eyed: | |
Blue |
:blue: | |
Boxing |
:boxing: | |
Bull Head |
:bull_head: | |
Butterfly |
:butterfly: | |
Calm |
:calm: | |
Cat |
:cat: | |
Chargrined |
:chargrined: | |
Cheerful |
:cheerful: | |
Chuncky |
:chuncky: | |
Cocksure |
:cocksure: | |
Cold |
:cold: | |
Concern |
:concern: | |
Confused New |
:confused-new: | |
Confusion |
:confusion: | |
Congratulatory |
:congratulatory: | |
Cool New |
:cool-new: | |
Couple Inlove |
:couple_inlove: | |
Courage |
:courage: | |
Cower |
:cower: | |
Crushed |
:crushed: | |
Culpability |
:culpability: | |
Cupcake |
:cupcake: | |
Dejection |
:dejection: | |
Disgust |
:disgust: | |
Disillusionment |
:disillusionment: | |
Dispirited |
:dispirited: | |
Distant |
:distant: | |
Distracted |
:distracted: | |
Distress |
:distress: | |
Distrust |
:distrust: | |
Disturbed |
:disturbed: | |
Dog |
:dog: | |
Dread |
:dread: | |
Drunk |
:drunk: | |
Eagerness |
:eagerness: | |
Eek New |
:eek-new: | |
Emmersed |
:emmersed: | |
Emptiness |
:emptiness: | |
Encouragement |
:encouragement: | |
Excitement |
:excitement: | |
Fat |
:fat: | |
Fatigue |
:fatigue: | |
Fox |
:fox: | |
Friendly Wink |
:friendly_wink: | |
Frog |
:frog: | |
Frown New |
:frown-new: | |
GB Bonesrock |
:GB_bonesrock: | |
Ghost |
:ghost: | |
Glee |
:glee: | |
Gorilla |
:gorilla: | |
Greedy Dollars |
:greedy_dollars: | |
Grey |
:grey: | |
Grief |
:grief: | |
Grumpy |
:grumpy: | |
Heart Borken |
:heart-borken: | |
Highly Amused |
:highly_amused: | |
Hopelessness |
:hopelessness: | |
Hororr |
:hororr: | |
Hurt |
:hurt: | |
Hypnotysed |
:hypnotysed: | |
Indecisiveness |
:indecisiveness: | |
Jaded |
:jaded: | |
Joyous |
:joyous: | |
Kiwi Fruit |
:kiwi-fruit: | |
Lemo |
:lemo: | |
Listening Headphones |
:listening_headphone | |
Livid |
:livid: | |
Love Heart |
:love_heart: | |
Love Struck |
:love-struck: | |
Loyal |
:loyal: | |
Mad New |
:mad-new: | |
Mask |
:mask: | |
Miserable |
:miserable: | |
Monkey |
:monkey: | |
Moody |
:moody: | |
Moon |
:moon: | |
Mushroom |
:mushroom: | |
Neglected |
:neglected: | |
Nevreness |
:nevreness: | |
Nightmare |
:nightmare: | |
Nonchalance |
:nonchalance: | |
Numbness |
:numbness: | |
Offended |
:offended: | |
Onthego |
:onthego: | |
Orange |
:orange: | |
Panda |
:panda: | |
Peaceful |
:peaceful: | |
Peach |
:peach: | |
Pig |
:pig: | |
Pirate |
:pirate: | |
Playful |
:playful: | |
Positive |
:positive: | |
Pride |
:pride: | |
Rapture |
:rapture: | |
Redface New |
:redface-new: | |
Rolleyes New |
:rolleyes-new: | |
Rugby |
:rugby: | |
Satellite |
:satellite: | |
Saturn |
:saturn: | |
Semi Twins |
:semi-twins: | |
Sentimental |
:sentimental: | |
Shame |
:shame: | |
Single Eye |
:single_eye: | |
Sleeping |
:sleeping: | |
Smile New |
:smile-new: | |
Smilet Digitalpoint |
:smilet-digitalpoint | |
Smiley Simmons |
:smiley_simmons: | |
Smug |
:smug: | |
Sneakiness |
:sneakiness: | |
Snowman |
:snowman: | |
Soap |
:soap: | |
Sorrow |
:sorrow: | |
Sour |
:sour: | |
Star |
:star: | |
Strawberry |
:strawberry: | |
Stung |
:stung: | |
Stupid |
:stupid: | |
Subdued |
:subdued: | |
Sulkiness |
:sulkiness: | |
Surprise |
:surprise: | |
Suspicion |
:suspicion: | |
Tan |
:tan: | |
Teapot |
:teapot: | |
Tears Of Joy |
:tears_of_joy: | |
Tennis |
:tennis: | |
Tickled Pink |
:tickled_pink: | |
Tiger |
:tiger: | |
Tongue New |
:tongue-new: | |
Topsy Turvy |
:topsy_turvy: | |
Torn |
:torn: | |
Tranquillity |
:tranquillity: | |
Triumphant |
:triumphant: | |
Tyrannosaurus |
:tyrannosaurus: | |
Uncomfortableness |
:uncomfortableness: | |
Unconscious |
:unconscious: | |
Untroubled |
:untroubled: | |
Upset |
:upset: | |
Very Drunk |
:very_drunk: | |
Victorious |
:victorious: | |
Watermelon |
:watermelon: | |
Welcoming |
:welcoming: | |
Wink New |
:wink-new: | |
Witless |
:witless: | |
Worked Till 5am |
:worked_till_5am: |