Conversation Between bushpilot and samcrimm
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
sam i just saw this message....did i reply ? sorry if i didn't, but i hadnt see any notification of a private or unread message.
I think by now you know i have the MBE4000 (at 450hp) w/ the Meritor 12 speed.
I have seen as high as low 13's (rare) when running 55/60 mph steady backroads w/ some interstate (blacksburg va to destin).
Worst I've seen was in the low 8's (heavy footed) in local traffic/short trip (local state park).
I now average high 8s to mid 9s w/ the cruise set at 72mph....if i don't get to anxious (trying to get around slow cars) i can regularly obtain 9.9
what kind of mpg are you seeing?
So your gas mileage is good, so what kind of engine are you running? I have engine mercedes benz,what type trans? I have the meritor 12 speed auto i
drive 65mph and Use the cruise contol aĺl the time. kind of wondering what i can do to improve mine. Thanks sam oh i cant see your reply on facebook.