

Senior Member
Dec 29, 2005
Has anyone used, considered using, tried and failed to use the new tube type 'light tunnels" skylights? The ones that look like a little dome on the roof.
I have very little use for any skylights. In our stick and brick we had 8 skylites and over a period of 9 years, every one of the cursed things leaked. Now in the fifth wheel, we have one skylite and by gosh, it leaks too. The new ones may be fine but you couldn't give me one of em.
Thanks John, that's what I'm looking for input, good, bad or indifferent. Does your tagling mean you are moderating a forum with a topic of Volvo HDTs' or does it mean you drive one? BTW are the skylights you've had negative experience with the 'solotaube' type or regular skylights?
.....I have used them in residential construction.....they collect moisture/condinsation so the sides have to be insulated to R- 15 and sealed with enamel paint 3 coats.....I have retroed t hem to move the moisture and stale air with a pancake fan.....that does work somewhat except in bathrooms and then nothing works really well.....I only install them after advising the owner against it...with NO warranty using the factory of luck....I've busted my azz personally trying to get them to perform as advertized with little or no luck......good luck to you....geofkaye
Kaye - would you tell us please which models and types you've experienced as you describe?
....solarpipes or solartubes or something like that....who can remember model numbers for God's sake....home construction is a "get her done" business hardly get the box opened before the install is finished and the P/U is whizzing down the road to the nest house in the spend more time getting the contractor to pay the subs than getting the job done-If you get payed at all......I'd build them myself if I had to do it again using 2 square sheetmetal furnace ducts one in the inside of the other with about 4 inches of foam insulation and a double skylite with a small pancake fan to move the air to keep the moisture from forming droplets.....'course you can seal the inside with a plastic or glass cover but they will leak within a year unless you have a perfect seal-which ain't going to happen in my lifetime......plastic breaks down in sunlite no matter what.....great idea as a "come on" for new home buyers but those that know quality from glitz will delete them every time.....who wants to look up at a birds butt anyway?...geofkaye
Yes I've seen what passes for home construction nowdays and you're description it quite accurate; I'd fire anyone I even so much as suspected had work habits like those. I suspect that may be part of the reason you've seen these fail; hacks, careless and no talent installers will do in the best of any product. I've had solartubes in two different stick built homes, one modular and a manufactured house. Not so much as a hint of a leak nor any condensation like you mention and this in one of the wettest locations in the country; the Pacific Northwest. My real question is whether or not they can be installed in the thin ceiling of an RV, still haven't found any 411 on that issue. I think that may prove a difficulty.
....If I was to put a sky lite in I think I would use a double pane flat glass[both flat car window glass[laminated] with an aluminum flange that I could adhere to the existing aluminum roof with a mastic and a few SS screws....there are plenty of shower doors that are double pane unites used for the bathroom window made that being a company called Besco? I believe...anyway they made me a double pane unite- the inside being sandblasted laminated car window glass and the outside being obscure hammer glass for privacy...the thing is still in service more than 25 years later and there is no leakage problems.....It has no gas between the two panes.....only dry summer air....geofkaye
I got an rv skylight off ebay for $80 delivered. It came with smoke exterior dome and white interior trim. 14 x 22 There are alot of one piece domes on ebay, but I had a hard time finding one with both pieces. I know All-rite has them, but they want your first born for them, I think she qouted me $200 plus for the the same thing I got on ebay


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