A constant blue sky, hot, and little breeze.
What better weather to climb on a metal roof, balance on a narrow board, line up flimsy aluminium bits, and screw the whole mess together?
Aluminum parts from my buddy showed up last week. I got stuck on the seat bases. They're painted and ready to be installed. So the air dam skin was next.
In hind sight I would have bought a sheet or 2 of fiberglass and used that. Aluminum just sort of fell into my lap.
I painted 2 of the horizontal margin trims that cross the front of the air dam. The color change and clean look really make a visual difference from the old, ratty original trims. I still have to pull it apart and seal all the joints so I'll paint the other 6 trims on the air dam at that point.
New clearance lights, an exact match of the 41 year old originals round out the look.