...www.crookmotors.com no kidding! they do a real good job on their catalogue and somewhat reasonable on their web-site. give them a call for your truck needs. they will negociate and have been in business for 60 years....1-800-438-2260....have a friend that just bought a truck from them and got a real good deal-better than here in Cincishitty, Ohio their catalouge is the best for info-I'm on their mailing list now....Dean Smith is good to deal with...can send pix over internet and will give you truck background/readouts if available.....example: 2001 Interntionals pro saleeper detroit60/370-4 30 hp/550,000 miles/alums/premium interior/115 tanks/jake.28,500 10 to choose from in stock...might wnat to take a look...geofkaye
women-food-money-naps...not necessarly in that order
Good info, Geof, thanks!
Boy, Geof, the way that post was written you must be using DOUBLE-caff coffee! That's the most info in one sentence I have ever seen! Hey, just messin' with ya! Have a good one!