....i got one but never have used the dam thing except for holding down the dining room table......900 for a paper holder.....geofkaye and the COLD RIVERCITY GROUP....
What's the matter GK? Didn't you get the memo? It was announced just a few days ago (by the Global Warmers) that 2010 will be the hottest year on record.
Doc Weaver in a snow drift
Doc Weaver '98 Freightliner FL60 pseudo toy hauler
....DOC...I'm not is the loop anymore since I retired from being a shrink on December 6th 2009....and I'm till waitin' for a warm spell so I can get a truck or two started....missed Florida cuz of firing 2 girlz and had to revamp my schedule some....and of course I'm still waiting for the Earth to warm up/dry out to at least 68 degrees so I can move without Celebrex...maybe next life....anyway hope things are going well for you and your tribe...call when you have time and are warm enough....geofkaye and the Rivercity Group-2......[I'm doing taxes every afternoon now so I'm around some....how's the baby?....let me know-I have girls that all have little kids working now...]