"Allison 3000 electric 6-speed transmission"
Never heard of a Allison electric transmission.
"looking to move some of our units at reduced prices"
Reduced prices from what? Starting bid of $218,675. MSRP $287,099. That is a discount of 23.8329 per cent from the MSRP. At first that sounds OK and the dealer is wanting bids higher than that amount.
But for that kind of money for a truck conversion motorhome you could also get a diesel pusher (DP) Class A motorhome. I don't know in a truck conversion how real are the MSRP prices.
But in the regular class A RV market it is common knowledge that the MSRP prices are inflated. If you look on the RV internet forums you will read that a 25 to 30% discount from MSRP is considered the price you should be paying.
So if this dealer can get someone to bid higher than $218,675 they might sell the unit for a higher amount than a knowledgable buyer would pay. Just because it is on Ebay doesn't mean the price is any special deal.