Motor sat for so long the oil pump lost its prime. Would not produce any oil pressure while I cranked it over. I pulled the fuel pump relay to be sure it wouldn't start dry.
Ended up draining the crankcase out into a modified pressure sprayer. Pulled the pressure sensor out and screwed in a 1/4" hose barb. Added a piece of 1/4" ID clear tubing to the sprayer and pumped it back into the motor. Crank it a few short times while pumping to spread the lube around.
After a few load of oil pumped through the sprayer into the engine I replaced the pressure sensor and hit the starter button. 20 seconds in I had 25 psi.
Next I ran the click clack pump to transfer the 5 gallons of fresh gas to the Nissan tank with the fuel injection pump. It leaked. I put the nylon to hose barb fitting together wrong and it nicked the nylon line into the tank.