Originally Posted by Ttnj
Has it really been a year?
COVID didn’t take me, still here so far.
Been to the races quite a bit and the furthest we went so far is Memphis. Will be in Oklahoma City for a few weeks over thanksgiving this year.
How have you been?
Yep on the 6th would be a year, well we have been to Washington state again, finally moved last bit of our stuff here, bought another 20 acres, a couple backhoes working on a pole barn from drill stem pipe and few other odds and ends.
Our rig decided on our last journey back from Washington state as it left out the driveway to break a rear axle. So we limped it 1200 miles home making sure to not make any turns unless it was to get off freeway for fuel once.
Guess it's time to move on to a rig with air brakes single not tandem axle, got another semi with tandem axle air but wouldn't work for this rig.
How have races been, win any?