Anyway, you have to keep access to the heater, to change the batteries for instance.
You also may build a airtight box inside your living space, with outer low and high ventilation grilles, with the exhaust pipe coming out the roof, box wherein you hang your heater, this box being accessible from the inside through a airtight door to service the heater.
This is the solution I thought out, before I built my heater where it is now.
Important point to me was to get the shortest water routes through the box, this is why the kitchen sink and the bathroom are joint together, the warm water from the heater travels 3 feet to the kitchen sink and 5 to 6 feet to the shower. My grey water tank is located under the kitchen/bathroom area.
By the way, I didn't vent my composting toilet, no need to as I've put a window on the bathroom roof. Ventilation is important in a bathroom, to allow water
dampness from the sower to get out quickly...