The inverter has a display that switches between input volts and output watts. At least I think they're output watts. At the end of that 35 hours the input voltage was showing 12.3. That doesn't sound too bad to me but I'm no expert in this stuff. I think the inverter shuts down when the input voltage falls below 10.5 volts. So I suspect my batteries won't be damaged running down to 12 volts? It looks like most of the time when the fridge is running it's showing 30-60 watts. Yesterday it was showing 125 watts for a bit. Don't know why that would have been. I don't know how to tell if the batteries are fully charged up when running the generator and the Iota charger/converter? That sounds like it would be a good thing to know so I could know when to shut down the generator. Auto generator start would be nice too. We've just got Buck, The Wonder Poodle, and we rarely leave him in the rig. I do have an alarm system that I could hook up a low, or high, temperature sensor if I decide I need to. My alarm system uses cell sms messages through a sim card. I forgot that it's always powered so that might use a slight amount of my house battery current too.
'03 Freightliner FL112, 295" wheel base, with '03 United Specialties 26' living quarters, single screw, Cat C12 430 h/p 1650 torque, Eaton 10speed , 3.42 rear axle ratio