Originally Posted by Bob86ZZ4
So here's a question kind of on topic. My truck has a 12k front axle. I scaled it with full fuel and empty water, myself and my son in the front seats. Front axle weighed 12, 060 lbs. Now, I have 200 gallon fresh water tanks and they are completely behind the rear axle line (single rear axle). So, if I filled those with water it might lighten the weight on the front just a few pounds?
I'd bet ya it wouldn't take much water to get you under your 12k limit, since any weight behind the axle will help lever weight off the front. just guesstimating, (it could be calculated if needed), but I'd bet 50 gallons of water would get you under.
Originally Posted by Bob86ZZ4
Also, I saw a truck/tractor that looked identical to mine but had a much heavier front axle by the looks of the front tires. I located a 16k front axle that looks like it might bolt onto my truck. Is that all it would take, including larger tires for a heavier load rating? Or is there more to it? Think it would improve the ride up front or make it worse?
This I can't say for certain, but I'd bet a 16k front axle truck would have 16k springs, as well, be they air or leaf. This would seem to make the ride harsher, but if you go from a 12k leaf to 16k air, hmmmm.