.....Jim ....anything I can do to help-just let me know-this site is easier to navigate for me and there is less adds/spam/crap attachments......there seems to be very little arguement as well....but that will change I'm sure as we head for winter months......Anyway YOU! are the one who got me started down this path.....If you just hadn't sent me those damn pix and comentary I would have found something else to with my time and money....and If it wasn't for Larry Zeigler giving me firestorm crap and opinionated feed back I'd never started looking/learning about class 8 trucks to convert [I'd forgotten all about my summer/fall job in the early 70's].....but that's what happens when I run into a brick wall-I have to find a way around/past/threw it!....Defect in personality we call it-others call it competiveness. Oh well!....anything I can do to promote the site/lifestyle/vacation interest/vehicle plans just let me know.....geofkaye
women-food-money-naps...not necessarly in that order