The "stand up" height from cab to coach is certainly a compromise in the M2. But, a beneficial side effect is that the height of the cabover bunk is much higher -- could even be the primary bed if you're so inclined. Lonnie estimated the floor-of-coach to floor-of-cabover-bunk dimension to be about 55". (Note that I'm willing to compromise some on the primary bed to keep the overall length as short as possible.)
As for power options... please keep us posted on what you find/learn. It's my impression that some of the engine options are only available in the M2-112 chassis. I'd like to have the Meritor autoshift transmission too but it's unclear if this is available on any of the M2 models.
So, where can one find the BBC (bumper to back of cab) and cab height (frame rails to roof) dimensions for various trucks? For instance hows does the Volvo VNL 300 compare with the FL M2 or Columbia?