....I don' t believe it is insurable at a reasonable price as I'm betting it isn't Coast Guard approved...Escape is nearly impossible from what I can tell-there is no life rafts-nor did the "captain" have a PFD near her.....underpowered with a 3126/C-7 at 30K#....and a flat nose....MIGHT go 70 mph on a flat road with a tail wind at 5-6 mpg.....but if your going to pay 1.2 million who cares about fuel mileage anyway-cuz your just plain crazy to buy a rig like that anyway...maintenance is going to be extreem because of water/mud/sand/gravel and marine growth....I drove a military dukw some time ago and every time the owner took it swimming he had to spend 2 weeks lubeing/oil changes and like....and he knew what he was getting into......I think the New LCAC's are the most maintenance intensive craft besides the aircraft carriers.....geofkaye
women-food-money-naps...not necessarly in that order