There are a few get arounds that I use, And it is not a money thing.Its the present ADMINISTRATIVE thing I call GREED. I am not getting on a soap box here. Only STATING FACTS we have an overabundence of Oil out of all three coasts within 50 miles of terra-firma. Let alone the stuff thats easy to get right in
the lower 48.And I am not even going bring up the Alaska Issue.(I do know a little about this issue spending my whole working life in the Industry) Register & Tag everything"Farmer" and save about 21-31 cents a gallon. I been doing this for 20yrs.I do not know about other States.Where I am you do have to register. The State sends you documents to present if needed. A small $500.00 transaction per year in lost or gained revunue.Showing proof on your yearly registration. I have never been stopped or questioned in ANY OTHER STATE I have been in or through. All of them but Hawaii.