My trailer shifted and I bent the shaft[U] on the tounge jack.....causing a lot of really good military type cussing......called Big Foot on Thursday last week and on Tuesday my leveler was sitting in my living room ready to be installed by Spencer....25 minuites later it was up and running....trailer shifted because of a 2" stick under one tire out of 6 and that was enough to make it roll on a flat surface when unhooked from the Volvo about 4 inches backwards with the jack extended....Oh well! anyway, Big Foot came through like the champs they are....the whole deal cost about 100bucks for a cylinder/ can't beat their service and the girl that did the order got it right the first time!!!![now that is a bonus!]....geofkaye another very satisfied customer
women-food-money-naps...not necessarly in that order