First of all, thanks to you guys that have responded. There is never a day goes by that I don't hook up with this web-page and I have always found it to be one of the most intuitive bunch of people out there. With that said, I feel that beefing up the steel in the undercarriage and on top for the dual slides shouldn't be any more stress on the frame than having a super slide on one side of the vehicle. I think, if anything, that the equal stress going out both sides would be less of a stability problem than a single slide-out, especially a 13 footer. I would think the torque on the frame with a single would be the problem. One of the things that has sold me on wanting a class 8 is the stability. The difference between a class 8 and a DP is considerable in many catagories, but especially stability.
By the way, Warpath, your M2 is going to be the "berries" That is one fine looking rig. Keep us up on how things are going.
Again, thanks to all for your input.