.....if arson is suspect...they take their time and turn over every stone.....I'll bet they looked at your 1040's/E-mails and a lot of other things from past years including interviewing your vendors......insurance companies are very good at finding arson cases[they hire X-arson cops].....The good side is that you got through it and you are all rite and back to work!.....Thank God for Insurance Companies unless you got to take them to court to get what is owed to you.....I did and it took 5 years from accident to check in hand for $6000......go figure?....another time they refused a claim because there was no visable flame.....guess who will wait now for visable flame before putting any water on the fire-sometimes they get caught up in their on insanity...... I now have an insurance company that will work with me-instead of against me.....My new house will have CCTV survailance on the outside of the property-trucks RV's and trailers/IR & movement alarm system inside each unite and the house with direct dispatch to the COPS......
women-food-money-naps...not necessarly in that order