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Old 12-01-2005, 11:44 PM   #24
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.....T.....who did this conversion anyway? air ride cab is bad enough but glueing the box to the rails and to the frame is frickin''s going to rip something apart sooner or later[probably sooner-watch for rivet and screw popping].....frame rails are made of flex-twist and yaw and twist again back to proper position....No way can they be made to not flex without breaking down the box.....even our Super Duty Fire truck has a plastic flex joint between the body and frame with U-bolts......and those frame rails are more than 12" tall and with a 3'' lip top and bottom.....even a SD unite like ours has rivets so the ladder frame can stretch without breaking-but also very visable to the nekked eye if one looks with just a plane flash lite.....the only partially sucessful frame to body attachment with glue that ever worked for any time is the HUMV and they have a rust problem.....geofkaye
women-food-money-naps...not necessarly in that order
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