Progress report: 07 Freightliner build.
The truck mods are now (almost) complete. I spec'd out the longest frame available from Freightliner however,...the frame tails had to be extended 18" to accommodate a 33' body. This was relatively easy, as no mechanical extensions were necessary.
Mounting the Big Foot jacks required moving the (truck) battery box to the rear aprox one foot so the (front) jacks could be mounted directly behind the cab. Again this wasn't a problem, Freightliner actually left enough "extra" cable to make the move without cut/splice & extending anything. The Big Foot system uses four individual hydraulic pumps, one for each cylinder. After looking at the pump/resevoir units I finally figured out that they resemble marine lower unit lift pumps. This little bit of info may come in handy if one gives up on the road. Marine & boat places are usually easier to find than RV supply stores (also maybe less exsensive).
Anyhow,...we went with a frame mounted (aprox 42 gallon) propane tank which was set in behind the rear axle between the rails. This appears to be a reasonably safe location and also saves storage compartment space. We are down to extending the exhaust and cutting the opening in the rear of the cab.
The next step is to build the floor structure, walls & roof, set the completed "cage" on the truck frame, then continue construction with the body mated to the truck.
Hopefully we will have this phase complete in another couple of weeks. Photos to follow (eventually)