Posted April 22, 2008 08:20 PM Hide Post
Can anyone tell me if there are states that do not allow trucks with 16,000# axles. We recently bought a toterhome that the front end weight is over 16,500 #'s. We are considering putting on a higher weight axle, but have been told that some states won't allow. The truck as it is, can't be put on the road and actually could be dangerous.It is registered as a personal RV, we are planning to use it commercially. Also, the dealer that sold us the toterhome/46' trailer, we wonder if they can legally they can sell an illegel and unsafe unit to the public? The purchase is less than 2 weeks old and we are unsure where we stand on this."
I would think that the seller would be responcible. I think that when Optima built some of the first units that they did for Microsoft, they had a problem very similar and had to tow the units back to the factory and re-work them to get the steer axle weight back to legal limits. I would think 16,000 is dangerous and not needed. not sure how a toter can get that much up front unless fifth wheel is to far ahead of rear axle.
My show Hauler loaded with everything is at 12,000. I run better than average tires on steer.