....if it is a corporate owned rig you rite it off as the cost of doing business-advertizing-promotion of sales-perks.etc etc etc....A friend who ownes a trucking company here in Ohio writes off his whole beach front condo hotel as a perk for his drivers-company business sales associates and perspective clients on the Fort Myers Beach in Fla....I think the total cost was somewhere around $20 million give or take.....Larry didn't give me a exact answer to my question....he does it with the helicopter and a few other toys.....The cost of a vehicle is just one factor in getting to the bottom line......just like company profit sharing....we used to share that was left after we bought all new equipment with the employees kicking in 33 1/3 %.....it's just another tax loophole that is used by business.....It is a different set of tax regulations for corporations than individuals.......geofkaye
women-food-money-naps...not necessarly in that order