....Now all know why I have built my own rig-just for me. Though I have read every post on every forum,-I could get on-what stopped me from going overboard was the feeling after looking at the internal construction of the "Big Three"-Showhauler-Kibbi/Renegade and United, was the glitz is covering the engineering and material selection....Having spent years in the trades and teaching Vocational/Industrial Education gave me a head start on industrial practices and proceedures....Lord only knows that these are VERY often ignored in the RV INDUSTRY.... and then there is the sales force....you don't even want to get me started on those people....I now know where all the fired used car salespersons go to find work.....they sell trucks/RV's now....BUYER BE AWARE....I've only found one that is honest and really cares about customer satisfaction and is willing to make things right!..."Freightliner Frank" at FYDA Freightliner in Cincinnati Ohio 1-513-772 7171 I can't remember the 800 number buy you all can call him for a quote and a reasonable deal.....and he doesn't work out of a house/garage/house trailer/getto apartment or over the internet with NO business address unless you like that kind of stuff......geof
women-food-money-naps...not necessarly in that order