Thanks for the replies.
After submiting this post, I contacted the shop that I'm considering have build the box and spoke to one of the employees who helped build the past conversions.
As for construction and design, the shop constructs utility bodies for trucks and custom built trailers and has been doing it for some time so I'm not real concerned with their welding and design.
Though I'm not surtain, I imagine that the body would be U-bolted to the truck frame like most other utility bodies. As for the aluminum frame's thickness specs, the shop manager provided them when I originally contacted the shop about building the box. I'm surtain he told me the thickness of the 1x2 and 2x3 box tubing, but I negleted to write it down.
The manager was out today (in Louisville for the truck show), so I could not obtain more detailed info. I had planned on visiting the shop tomorrow to view more photos of their conversions and work out dimensions and prices but have decided to wait until the manager returns. Besides, I also plan on being in Louisville Saturday.
I agree that a pictures often say more than words so I'll post pictures when I can, but given my stoneage connection speed, it may be a while before I can get them posted.