Kingsley Customer
That is fantastic information about the chassis and the safety concerns that you pointed out. I bet you are right that most all of the conversion companies do not have wiring schematics for each coach, do to the custom nature of these rigs and cost. What would be interesting to here is how each one of them addresses this issue, how do they run wiring, what kind of testing do they do, how do they insure wires are properly stripped, how are wires protected from chaffing, ect..
The old me would have really hammered Kingsley for something like this. But as I mentioned before I have changed my thinking and would like to see the industry as whole succeed.
Like with any new product, over time a manufacturer is going to realize what works and what does not. Those companies that adapt and continually refine their product will survive and flourish, those that do not, will not. I also think there is some value in a company sticking to a tried and true method in building versus going way out on a limb and putting some new technology or technique out that is most likely going to fail.
I like the fact that Kingsley stepped up and tried to offer you a deal (not sure if it was good or not) but disappointed that they did not instill enough confidence in you that they are or will make a better product. And like I said maybe they have addressed some of these issues now and I would love to have a Representative jump on-line here and let us know what they are doing in 05.
Kingsley Customer you have brought up some awesome new information that alot of us have not even considered. This just makes anyone who reads this information that much more educated when they are ready to buy.
BTW: Love your avatar - burning candle, had to chuckle over that.
2012 Showhauler 28'6" Motorhome on a Columbia w/ 450 Mercedes.