Originally posted by Radman:
I have been in that coach before at Hawk Engineering (about a 100 miles from our home) when we were evaluating builders for our project. It wasnt for sale then but it influenced our decision and the direction we went on our build. We really liked the AERO look of the T2000 tractor (inside and out)and especially the way it is integrated into the box.
Jason did eventually win our business and built our coach. He does nice looking - high quality work, so nice in fact that the owner of that coach (Balin) came back to him and built a second one 4 years later which is why that one is for sale. I think the Balin boys were growing up and they were using the coach differently so rather than remodel the old one, they built another coach with the same builder. Now that says volumes about the quality of the builder and the confidence they had in him.
As far as used coaches go, the quality and craftsmanship of that coach would be hard to beat. In my opinion the floor plan is always so personal and the most difficult decision, new or used.
Radman, that's great to hear - I really like damn near everything in the coach Hawk has for sale right now, though I'm sure it'll sell before we're ready to buy. Being a newbie to Class8 conversions, I was worried that I was "missing something" when I was looking at hawk's work and was impressed, but you're the second experienced one who's given the thumbs-up to the Hawk units.
I'm about a half hour from Transport Designs, who is finishing up a very cool garage-coach for Donnie Barnes (from the escapee's board) - if anyone is coming this way (central PA) to take a look at his shop, let me know, I like putting faces with names.. (Unfortunately, until the snow melts, I can't even offer a good parking spot for a coach..)
In addition to bikes, I have a rather odd load I'd be carrying (a rock crawler that's 6.5' tall, 7' wide, and 13' long, weighing 4800lbs) so the living space I'd lose with a garage is making me lean towards a regular coach, and continuing to tow the buggy on a trailer.