.....Follow the big boys at a SAFE distance..use your CB radio th ask for some company.....usually a big company driver will let you run behind them for coffee and donuts from time time.....stop at truck stops and listen to the pro's....when they chain up-it is time to stop for the day or week...I spent a few days in a truck stop out side of Russel Kansas till the black ice melted....had a good time-plenty of food and rest-warn shower/trailer and electric blankets....and two plump girlz....[ah! those were the days!] now I pack for a week of bad weather with fuel/food/water/ and a lot to read and at least one girl out of 8 that work for me now......and a TV that has the new bow/tie tv antenna....geofkaye and the Rivercity Group in Cincinshitty Ohio-{if the world were to get an enema-Cincinnati is where they would stick the tube.....}