I will chime in here with Genecarp on that question. I was just wondering this morning about a "maintenance type system that picks up the parasitic loads and provides a maintenance charge for the batteries.
Of course, it is all based on what the parasitic load is and how much battery charge is desired. Hypothetically, the load would be the fridge 12VDC control (its running on propane), maybe a light if my wife is reading. Otherwise, we are running the generator for AC, Heat, Cooking and the Entertainment of TV or Sat radio. But in very general terms, wouldn't a system that puts a couple of hundred watts into the charger be effective for this purpose?
I am sure some of the readers of the list have experience with systems like I described. Are they effective and about what would it cost to build one? Or, do you have a better idea?
T2000 Complete (but never finished)