....I DON'T LIKE BOXES I RUIN THEM VERY EASILY ON HIGH CURBS AND OTHER PROJECTIONS AND HAVE FOR MANY A YEAR SO ALL MY STUFF IS TOP BED MOUNTED.....BUT IF I WERE MAKING A BOX HOLDER AND BOX I WOULD START MAKING THE HOLDER WITH 2x2x1/4" ANGEL IRON IN A TRIANGLE SHAPE then brace it with a diagonal piece of the same angel at a 45 degree angle-ATTACH IT TO THE FRAME WITH 2 EA 5/8" BOLTS....add a steel floor[1/4"] and BACK and aluminum sides-back and top unless I needed it to haul something else on-like my shovel kit and tow strap or tire chains....the outside door would be 1/4" aluminum plate with a lip that fits over the outside of the whole box and adds stiffness.....or off to Tractor Supply with a credit card for a 16 ga. steel box for about $200 and forget all that work....they need to be repainted cuz that crappy powder coat paint that peels off...but that is just me....geofkaye